
Upon entering this site, many things will become clear:

1) This site is craazay!
2) This site is loads of fun.
3) This site revolves around a fictional story.

So, hop right in to the world of the coleppticel! Read the tales, take the poll, and help us make the story of the 6th milennium famous! If you have any cool ideas for the blog, tell us.

And most of all, enjoy!
The Coleppticel Team.

Heya Coleppticelians!

How are ya?
Happy 2009!

Well, here's the story about what's coming up and going on.
Firstly, we're gonna have some cool new stories as well as the rest of that mysterious toaster one!
Secondly, we're gonna have new pictures and games on the site.
And thirdly, the Crazy Colouring Event is still in place - so why not send in your drawings? This could be your first time on the blog, or your hundred-and-first time, it doesn't matter! Just draw a picture of a dragon and send it in!
Yeah, that's right - we'll display it on the blog!

Catcha latah,

The Groovy One

Crazy Colouring of Coleppticel Creations!

Do you want glory, fame, and artistic greatness? Or, basically, would you like YOUR drawing to be on the Coleppticels blog? Well then, look no further than the Coleppticels blog! (That's HERE, by the way. You were looking to buy a television? Sorry, wrong site.)

So, if you would like to enter, here it is in a nutshell - either draw a picture of a coleppticel, or colour in the one at the very bottom of this page. Then send it in an email, with your nickname, to aniandmallorie.coleppticel@blogger.com. Please understand that we will not use your email address for anything - all we will use is your nickname and picture for the blog only. You can draw any kind or style of coleppticel dragon, in any colour. We would love to see your ideas. So get colouring!

The First Coleppticel

Finally - the truth of the coleppticels' discovery has been revealed! Or has it?!...


"One day, a little girl called Colly was walking down the street. It was the fourth minute of the fourth hour of the fourth day of the fourth week of the fourth month of the fourth year of the sixth millenium. So, basically, it was a pretty normal day. But remember - it was the future, so Colly walked down a cyber street. She turned around the corner of the virtual path, and saw something strange lying at her virtual feet. "What on earth is this?", she said in a robotic voice (she wasn't a robot, but everyone talks like that in the future. Like the way people, like, nowadays, like, totally, say "like" and "totally", like, way too much. You know, like? Totally.

So, anyhoo, Colly picked up the strange, ancient metallic object, and stared at it in total cyber confusion. A plastic wire hung from the side, and there were large slots at the top. "What an unusual object", she pondered, poking it. You and I would today call it a "toaster".
She jumped back in surprise when she heard a loud pop, and realised she had poked a button. But the thing that popped out the slots was no normal piece of toast. Colly gasped in ultimate, virtual horror. It had butter on it. That's totally against the rules! You can't put butter on bread before it is toasted! What a disaster!

Colly reached out her cyber arm, which was enclosed in a futuristic space outfit, and lifted out the perfect piece of toast. She recognised it from a picture in her computa-book in History class. "This is from ages ago!", she thought. "I wonder if the dinosaurs ate toast too..."
But something was strange - how could the toast still be in perfect condition after all these years? Colly inspected the toast - "Wait a minute!", she cried. A virtual person passing by stopped in their tracks and stared at their cyber watch. "No, not you!", she explained. "The toast." The passerby frowned, and walked off, muttering, "...people and their food...".
"I just realised something", Colly began. She stared at the toast. " I haven't had my dinner yet." And Colly walked off back home."

The End! Yay! What a lovely story. That explains everything.

Ok, ok, it explains nothing. I admit it.
But maybe this story is only the beginning. Maybe there is more to Colly and the toaster! The only way to find out is to stay tuned!
More coming soon!!

Currency of the 6th Milennium

I just thought it was important to mention that the currency of the 6th milennium is crunos.

To purchace a coleppticel will cost you 5000 crunos.

So don't forget to save up!!


By the way, Coleppticel is pronounced "kohl - IHP - tih - sill". Yeah, that's right!! Just like a Calippo mixed with a windowsill!


Welcome to the site on all things Coleppticel. It was set up by Laurii, Róisín and Nikki, henceforth refered to with some pretty cool names!

This is a fun site about the coleppticel, the well-known dragon animal. Never heard of it?! WHAT?! Oh, yeah...!!! Sometimes I forget the key fact that THEY DON'T EXIST YET. Silly me.

Browse, read, have fun, and most of all, TAKE YOUR VITAMIN PILLS!!!!!


Coleppticels of the 6th Milennium

Right, you are most probably wondering WHAT ON EARTH IS A COLEPPTICEL, and probably WHY WILL THEY RULE OUR WORLD?!?!? Well, let me tell you a tale. A tale that has yet to come. A tale of almighty strenghth, courage, determination, and sheds bigger than houses...

Let the adventure of the wacky future of the present past begin.

The legend started a few hundred milenniums ago. Or last school term. Either one, y'know? Person A, as we will refer to as "myself", or "the groovy one", or even "Her Majesty the Superbly Great and Powerful Laurii", said upon that fateful morn, or even, night, "I'sa thinks I'ma gonna become a vegematarian, mm-hmm". To which, Person B, "The Greatest Person on this Planet that has Ever Been or Yet to Come", and Person C, "The Originator of the Fantabulous term Randomly-evil", replied, "You can't". And Her Majesty of Superb Grooviness answered, "I can get extra nutrients from ze veggies and ze vitamin pills". "Oh no!!!", People B and C replied, "You gonna live yo life on ze vitamin pills?! Anyway, some animals like cows were bred TO be eaten." And Person B stated, "Didn't they come, was it, 5000 A.D or B.C?" To which the Groovy One said, "If they came in 5000 A.D., we haven't heard of them yet. *pause* Just like the... Coleppticel"

*Awe and wonder spreading quickly around the room*

"The coleppticel???" "Oh, yes", I replied. "The Coleppticel." *awkward silence* "The Coleppticel, a creature that I DID NOT MAKE UP JUST NOW (hint, hint), is a fantastic dragon-bird-lizard-deer-snake, and sometimes an invertibrate, and I think there's a bit of giraffe in there somewhere, animal. You have not heard of it before because it does not yet exist. They will come to rule in the 6th Milennium. They are HUGGEEEEEEEEEE dragony-things, so they will need big pet sheds, probably bigger than our houses, maybe two, three times the size? They are very sensitive and we all must be vegetarians, but they will eat cows."

"Great. So the big dragons'll take over, stay in houses bigger than our own, and live in the life of luxury while we eat our vitamin pills?!?!?"

"No, no, you see!!! They don't eat all the cows! They eat cow CLONES. And besides, they save the whole human mankind from the wrath of the Bingoeees, who are, em, evil."

Person B stated, "I will help Person C take over the Coleppticels and drive them into the sun!!!"

"Noooo!!", Person A screamed. "You've got it ALL WRONG. Coleppticels are good. They save humans. They eat cow clones. They are are cute, scaly, flying, 2000-times-the-size-of-us pets".

Person C said, "Together with Person B and my army of reincarnated first years, we will destroy the Coleppticels!"

Person B and C echoed "MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

And that, my dear friends who are reading this, that I don't know, is the epic tale of the COLEPPTICEL!!!!!!!!!

*stay tuned, folks, for more coleppticely stories, pics and random stuff, coming soon*

The story!

So, that all sounded a bit crazy! But it's the altered, funny version of a conversation my friends and I had one night:
  • I said "Maybe I'll become vegetarian..."
  • They said "No, you won't get enough nutrients, as there are special ones in meat"
  • I said "Well, I could take vitamin pills too..."
  • They said "No. Anyway, some animals were bred to be eaten. Like the cow. Didn't they come, was it, 5000 AD or BC?"
  • I said, "It would have had to be BC or else we wouldn't have heard of them yet! Like the coleppticel..."

This is where we start making up a whole story for fun!

  • They said "What's a coleppticel?"
  • I told them all about my made-up creature and they joined in too. Soon we had a whole story going!
  • But they were convinced that "coleppticels would take over the world living in houses bigger than our own, while we are forced to eat just vitamin pills"!!!!
  • I told them that "coleppticels would be good, fun, huge, flying pets, who would save the human race from all evil!"
  • But they planned to "drive all coleppticels into the sun with the help of their reincarnated first year army!"

It was just a funny make-believe moment that could make for a hilarious blog! So enjoy!